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We're at Word on the Street in Toronto this Weekend
Gordon Hill Press and the Porcupine's Quill will be selling books at Word on the Street in Toronto at Queen's Park from Saturday September 29 to Sunday September 30.
rob mclennan Reviews AJ Dolman's Crazy / Mad>.
rob mclennan has reviewed AJ Dolman's recent collection of poetry, Crazy / Mad, on his site.
Teresa Tumminello Brader Reviews Hollay Ghadery's Widow Fantasies
Teresa Tumminello Brader has Hollay Ghadery's Widow Fantasies for MER Journal.
Hollay Ghadery's Widow Fantasies Now Officially Available
Just to make official what most of you know already, but Hollay Ghadery's wonderful collection of shorts stories, Widow Fantasies, is now officially available!
Two Interviews with Hollay Ghadery
Hollay Ghadery has done two interviews about her new book, Widow Fantasies.