Hollay Ghadery's Widow Fantasies Now Officially Available

Just to make official what most of you know already, Hollay Ghadery's wonderful new collection of shorts stories, Widow Fantasies, is now available!

If you pre-ordered, your copies have already been mailed. If you didn't, you can get your copy here – https://www.gordonhillpress.com/collections/titles/products/widow-fantasies – or through your usual book sellers.

It's also available as a .pdf ebook through the above link, and it will soon be available there as an accessible .epub as well.

If you wanted to hear Hollay read from the book live, she'll be making several appearances over the next few weeks:

  1. She will be reading at the fabulous Eden Mills Writers' Festival this Sunday September 8. Her session is at 12:00 noon with Vincent Anioke, Gary Barwin, and Zoe Whitall. Get your tickets here – https://edenmillswritersfestival.ca/festival-sunday-tickets/.
  2. She will launch her book with Nicola Winstanley and Danila Botha at Queen Books in Toronto on Tuesday September 10, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM.
  3. She will do a second launch for her book with Molly Peacock at Blue Heron Books in Uxbridge on Thursday September 19.

We'll also be doing a zoom launch later in the fall. Stay tuned for details!